> Karl wrote:

> This was a recent summary, with refs:

> There are no harmful effects; whoever wrote the O2 thing is full
> of BS.

Not all masks are equal!

> https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=137495654570048&id=100553591597588

> Ever had surgery? Did you notice all the fully alert, bustling,
> masked people- many of whom wear masks for 24+ hours in a row

Those are not N95 rated masks to protect the one wearing it.
Rather, they do NOT seal against the wearers face and are there to
protect the people FROM the wearer.

> More specifically, the porous nature of the material used for
> both medical-grade masks and cloth masks fully permits normal
> respiration. 

> COPD patients are extremely vulnerable to viral infections and
> could use the extra protection masking affords.

The surgical style mask will do effectively nothing to protect the
wearer.  The type that seals out particulates are not the ones the
TV doctors wear for 24+ hours in a row.

> Don’t be an emotional support peacock.


> There is confusion about why initially masks were NOT
> recommended, but now they are.  ...the public was
> advised not to wear masks. That was not because masks weren’t
> safe, effective, or a great idea. It was because masks were
> RATIONED where they were needed most.

Oh. So we were lied to.  Big surprise.

> ...If you feel sick, you should definitely wear a
> mask, to protect others (and you shouldn’t be out and about). If
> you are medically fragile you should wear a mask, to protect
> others and yourself.

Masks aren't all equal!  Just grouping all mask together is as
silly as grouping all PPE together.  Safety glasses are
ineffective against loud noises.  Steel toed shoes won't keep skin
on your fingers.  Surgical style and nearly all home-made mask
won't keep the virus out.  A good particulate filter will have an
exhaust port doesn't do much to protect others but will protect
the wearer.

So shifting back and forth between types of mask make me really
question the value of the rest of the data.

> -a mathematical model for influenza showed if only 25% of people
> wore masks which were only 20% effective, there would be a 30%
> drop in transmission. (2)

Total cases infected or rate of infection?  Big difference.  And
mathematical models can model almost anything the modeler wants to
show based on the "assumptions" that are inherent in ALL

There are documented studies on all sides of the argument.  Does
that mean civil liberties don't matter?  That the constitution is
suspended?  That the government can ignore it's contract to the
people to whom it's a servant?


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