I'm happy with the tires I got for my Taurus at WalMart last Christmas.
The cheapest tires in the store, they stick as well or better
than the Continentals I had, and go through 1" of water at
50mph with no trouble. Tire guy put the wheels on with quick
burps of a air gun, backed up by what was probably the weakest
torque stick in his kit. He then put the car on the ground,
and hit each nut twice with the torque wrench. Then he handed
the wrench to the service porter, and drove around the building.
When he got back, she went around the car with the torque wrench.

Two months later, I broke a spring and it poked a hole in
a sidewall. The replacement was free, but they charged me
89 cents to dispose of the ruined tire. 

I'm quite satisfied with Walmart tire service. OTOH, I
recently overheard a conversation in which it sounded like
they were insisting on overfilling a guy's Colorado in
an oil change. He was telling them what factory spec
was, they were saying it took at least a qt more to
hit the "full" mark. I should have told him to let them
overfill it, then check again after it sat overnight
and make them fix it if it read high in the morning. 


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