Thanks to all who responded to my questions! Rather than respond to all
of the messages, I respond to just one.

Now I have to figure out what to do about all I learned.

On Thu, 1 Apr 2021 17:26:09 -0500 Peter Frederick via Mercedes
<> wrote:

> Triglycerides are free fats.  Trans fat (hydrogenated fats) and
> fructose both tend to raise LDL cholesterol plus triglycerides and high
> carbs tend to raise triglycerides I think, along with high fat intake.

How is the peanut oil in peanut butter?

> For diet recommendations, they are pretty simple.  More fruits and
> veggies, plenty of leafy greens, cut back on the carbs, especially
> refined anything (white flour, white rice, degerminated corn, etc).

So the New York bagels I have will be given to friends with young

That leaves me wondering about the 31 cans of Chef Boyardee mini ravioli
I have.

> Whole wheat bread, brown rice, limited pasta, limited white bread.

So white rice is out, too?

> Aim to reduce total calorie intake and to have the majority of the
> calories unsaturated fat and lean protein.  Limit red meat, no
> processed food if you can manage it (fermented sausage like salami, hot
> dogs, bacon, etc) and only natural cheese (no American, etc).

How about bratwurst?

Does pork count as a red meat?

I am lactose intolerant, so I generally stay away from dairy.

> Keto is an option, but you don't have to go the whole way into ketotic
> metabolism to get some benefit.

> More exercise if you aren't getting enough and better sleep, limited
> alcohol.

I don't drink any alcohol and get 7.5 - 8.5 hours of sleep per night.

Exercise is something I started increasing about a month or two ago ...



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