Nothing baffling about it. The Commonwealth of MA is just that -- making everyone's wealth common by extorting as much of it as they can in any way possible to redistribute to the legislature.

--R (formerly a Bay Statah, now a Texan)

Curt Raymond wrote:

Its amazing the variation between states, in MA you'd have gone directly to 
jail do not pass go they collect $200 (probably substatially more). When I 
bought my 240D it was in New Jersey. The dealership was entirely willing to 
issue temp tags once I put insurance on. A MA insurance company cannot insure a 
car without you getting a real MA tag. MA will not recognize temp tags of any 
kind, in theory (although I've never heard of it) somebody driving in MA with a 
temp tag can be pulled over, their car impounded and they can spend the night 
in jail... I checked this with the state, there is no reciprocity and no 
willingness to recognize other state's temp tags. Baffles me.

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