OK Don wrote:
> Sheesh - most of the runways I flew off of didn't have anyplace to
> paint a number (grass) -- the only gyro I had was the T&B indicator.

I've flown gliders off grass runways.  The compass didn't work too good
until the wing runner levelled the ship, but I was pretty much
guaranteed to take off from whatever runway the tow pilot had decided to
take off from, anyway. ;)

> We thought 1700 feet was plenty of runway (power line on the North
> end, Trees on the South end - that's how you knew which way you were
> pointed).  You knew you were making a good landing when you could hear
> the tires in the grass before they touched the ground. My age is
> showing again ---

The tricky part, of course, is the grass hides holes and ruts really
well. ;)

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