wow, Sunil, if you think there's been a "feces-storm" here, you've lived a
blessedly sheltered life! all i've seen is a sharing of opinions!

    you might want to consider not going to work with the general public!   ;-)


Sunil Hari wrote:

> yeah, i guess "it's her fault she got taken for a ride" isn't a valid excuse
> with a wife.  but clay pitched it on here (btw, thanks clay) and this is the
> ensuing feces-storm.
> get the umbrella out.
> On 10/11/06, Luther Gulseth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Ok all, look at it this way.  If it's a seller that you do not know, it's
> > ok to go in and pay or offer less than the value as you know it.  BUT, in
> > this situation, Clay has a vested interest (wife's friendship) in the
> > situation and it's OBVIOUS that his wife would require him to give his
> > knowledge of the value of the car.  If he didn't and allowed someone to low
> > ball her friend and take advantage of her, Clay would surely find himself in
> > the doghouse if he was discovered.
> >
> >
> > --

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