I don't know about the hood pad, but for the rest of the engine bay, warm it up a bit, spray it down with some kind of degreaser cleaner (that green or orange stuff works OK and does not smell bad) then drive over to the nearest 25cent carwash, spray it again with degreaser and then hit it with the soap hose (or use their degreaser option first if they have it). I take some ramps along and drive the front up on ramps to get underneath more easily.

Wear a raincoat and goggles as the stuff will go everywhere, most directly into your face. people will look at you like you are weird.

I saw a really old guy on Sat wearing a tshirt that said "Normal People Scare Me"


Bob Rentfro wrote:
Now that I have completed a strech of working 30 of the last 36 nights (refueling outages are busy times at the old nuke plant), I believe I need to politely asking Mr. Jim Friesen for an in the garage lesson on valve adjusting. Before I do my engine needs a good cleaning to prevent stern finger wagging. It appears sometime after I didi the power steering PM (purge, swap to M1 ATF, change filter) the seemingly good cap gasket partly failed spewing fluid all over. Of course the fluid acted as a dirt magnet...and the fluid, having been soaked into the hood pad, is now in the process of eating it away. What have we collectively decided is the best stuff to use? Do we do it cold or at temp? Car wash pressure or garden hose?

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