rumor has it that Jim wrote:

> > Stopping distance with modern antilock brakes is the same as
> > without these days, as I said, this isn't 1977, when Chrysler
> > anti-lock brakes WOULD increase stopping distance.
> Unless you're on packed snow, where it still increases the stopping
> distance.  In that one particular instance plowing into the snow
> actually helps a lot.
> That, sadly, describes the common winter condition of the hill to
> our house...  Makes me wish I had an ABS-defeat switch wired in,
> but when you need it would you have time to hit it?  Hate to turn
> it off and forget, since the next piece of road is usually icy,
> not snowy, and is curvy.

Just use a GPS receiver, with a PIC board to inteface to the ABS
defeat. Then the defeat switch could reset itself based on physical
location. Add a temperature sensor, a NOAA data reciever and it might
even be able to predict when to _enable_ the defeat!!

--            Philip, with far more ideas than time to build them

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