Makes me think of my current tranny situation in my Saab 900.

I would probably burst a blood vessel or two if my wife were to drive the
car. She is the typical type that plops down in the seat, slams the door,
jams in and twists the key in one swift, forceful motion, drops it in gear
before the starer is through running, and expects immediate acceleration.
Then does not apply any thought to her shifting (as in, she'll go ahead and
shift to a higher gear, though a stop sign is 30 yards away, etc.)

In other words, she's the typical (female) driver, and I'm a perfectionist

I'm having a battle between making the brakes last as long as possible by
using the tranny more, and making the clutch last longer by using the brakes

I have the feeling that it needs a clutch soon, but we were thinking of
getting rid of the car after this winter, and I don't think that anyone will
pay anything but a couple hundred for it. So I have gotten more and more
obsessively effecient with the operation of the clutch - trying to use it as
little as possible (skipping gears when I can, throwing it into neutral
whenever possible in favor of riding with the clutch pushed in). Funny.

Who really does have an awesome wife (and she clearly does not read the

Bob wrote:

That was the car my wifed learned to
operate a manny tranny. Even after that abuse, it was a great little
car...even in the Minnesota cold

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