You just need a new mast, about $30 or so.

Unscrew the bezel at the base of the antenna with the mast down as far as it will go, then switch radio on or set antenna switch to full up and pull the "tail" out of the antenna housing as it comes free. Note which way the teeth go!

Wipe a bit of silicone grease on the new "tail", insert it in the same orientation as the old one and push down until it stops. Have someone switch the antenna switch to the "down" position and feed the new "tail" and antenna mast into the motor box, then re-install the bezel.

Check the grommet while you are at this -- a good time to replace it if it's hard. Take the antenna motor out (one nut, I think), pull the old grommet out from inside, push the new one through the hole, put the motor box back in, then pull the new mast in.

May take a couple tries to get it to go all the way down if you don't get the teeth started soon enough, but it's easier next time -- just run the antenna motor all the way up, it will grab correctly when you switch it down again.

Lightly grease the mast with silicone grease or spray silicone lube (the grease lasts longer, I use Loctite 51360 since it has many other uses as well (like getting bushings in).


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