So far no effect on those from regions south of our border, they keep coming and coming, no issue in that regard. And those I have had conversations in some of those countries would be here tomorrow if they could (and those from definitely have no plans to go back, except to take the wealth they made here to set themselves up there). In fact, in our conversations they see the USA as a beacon of opportunity as well as a beneficiary, spending money and helping other countries with their problems. Not to say that there have not been some real FU's in the past, but in spite of those the positive view is still there, given their existing situations, where opportunities are limited, govts are not particularly helpful, and corruption is rampant.

I find it kind of interesting, if given the choice of 1) staying where they are in Central or So America, 2) going to some other country (Europe, Asia, Mid East, Africa, etc.), or 3) going to USA, door #3 is generally the choice, Bob, fascism or not. I think they are kinda liking that manifest destiny thing, it beats the dead ends they face.

I'll stop along the freeway tomorrow and ask a few of those 500 guys standing around waiting for work what their views are on manifest destiny and US fascism, and let y'all know.


Hendrik Riessen wrote:
That is the fear of a lot of people around the world, that the USA is slowly turning into a Fascist state where manifest destiny decides policies

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