on 3/10/07 17:05, Gary Hurst at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> illegals and incorrigibles roam the streets with impunity as the
> government workers stand helpless at the donut shop while a trail of
> blood is left and you guys worry about whether some ancient dude who
> burns veggie is getting over on you for a couple of bucks on his fair
> share of "paying for the road"

As someone else used to say, NAIL HEAD BANG.

This reminds me of people defending used tire disposal fees, which mostly go
to anything but exploring tire recycling methodologies.

And NO ONE picked up the irony of a Canadian arguing against gummermint
intrusions while a bunch of Americans defend it. That, as they say in the
commercials is priceless. Plant a tree to mark the spot, etc.

What next, the Swiss invade Spain?


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