"Zoltan Finks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You know, I was very surprised when I heard that passing a line of
> stopped cars on the right is illegal! I am totally opposed to this
> law, if it is really a law, because it effectively takes away the
> one advantage that bike riding provides - the ability to avoid
> traffic snarls!

Bikes are supposed to obey all the same traffic laws as cars.  I don't
know of any jurisdictions where this is not the case.  Passing on the
right or the shoulder is not a legal manuver.  I could see a valid
exception if an explicit bicycle lane is marked...

> [...] I admit it, but I love the feeling of passing some clown that
> has dangerously veered toward me (yes, sometimes on purpose) as he
> passed me a few moments ago. And I will confront them when I catch
> up to them. I have never had anyone with the courage to back up
> their cowardly behavior conducted from the safety of their steel
> cage that wisks them away from consequences.

Hope you never do.  If you happen to piss off the wrong driver, you
lose.  Big time.

1983 300D
1966 230

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