From: "Bill " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gerry - is that First Christian as in the Christian Church (Disciples of 
Christ) [I attend one of those], or one of the independents?
Jacksonville FL
The history of the First Christian Church/Disciples of Christ/Churchs of 
Christ is somewhat confusing:

"In 1906, the groups split; Stone's followers became officially known as the 
Christian Church, or Disciples of Christ while Campbell's group became known 
as the Churches of Christ (non-instrumental). A further division occurred in 
1968 with the restructuring of the Christian Church into the Christian 
Church/churches of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). 
The Disciples became more centralized once again as a denomination....snip

When I married a Presbyterian, I attended that church with her and lost 
track of what was going on in the First Christian denominations.

My aunt was very active in a First Christian Church in our home town in 
Indiana (3000 population) and I enjoyed going to it as a kid.  The people 
and the services were quiet and fairly unemotional compared to some of the 
other churchs in town.  I remember one time when a lady got mad at someone 
or something in the Baptist Church she had been attending and joined our 
little First Christian Church.  Everything was fine for a few Sundays until 
the preacher gave a pretty dramatic sermon.

Right in the middle of it this lady came out with a very loud "Hallelujah!" 
Everybody froze, the preacher completely forgot his sermon and finally 
called for the hymn beginning the next part of the service.  The lady came a 
few more times, and then I think she went back to the Baptist Church.

When I went back to the old home town several years ago, the small First 
Christian Church had been torn down and a larger Church of Christ had been 
built in its place, so I don't know if that little church was part of the 
Christian Church/Churches of Christ or the Christian Church (Disciples of 

I could be happy attending nearly any Christian church, I believe, except 
perhaps the ones where they handle snakes.


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