Talking about BIG stuff, years ago I used to work in a studio that did
enLARGEments. I'm talking billboard sized photographs. (well, almost).

The biggest photo I ever developed was 8x32 feet. It was for MB Canada oddly
enough and was a photo of the W196(?)'s crossing the line at LeMans 1,2,3 in
the mid 50's.

My darkroom was approx. 60 feet long. Long enough that I could have paper on
the wall ready to expose and someone could walk in the door, not a darkroom
door, and the paper wouldn't fog! Had a horizontal enlarger, on rails, that
was made from an 8x10 body and would focus but pulling a string when the
enlarger was 20 or so feet away. Always used 8x10 copy negs and process
lenses so sharpness was never an issue. Great fun but no money in it for me,

Also, used to do fine art prints for local photogs exhibitions. I did one
for a photog named Larry Towell who I know see is a member of the Magnum
agency. THE most prestigious agency in the world. Pleased about that! hehe

We also had a Durst Laborator 8x10 vertical enlarger....big bugger that was,
and a Elwood (?) 5x7 vertical but it never got used much.

The biggest challenge was trying to roll an eight foot long roll of 54" wide
single weight fibre-based paper through the developing process without
creasing it or leaving half-moon fingernail marks on it.......imagine trying
to roll wet paper towel that size without tearing......many hours of
frustration there.

We also made our own developer, stop and fixer from scratch. Bill, my boss,
had formulated his own mix back in the 30's and used it ever since. He was
awesome; 70 years experience in the darkroom! He used to get mad because I'd
want to do exposure test strips for prints but he could just eyeball the neg
and print. Got it right first time, too!

Jeff Zedic
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