At the risk of turning the conversation back to home schooling, one must
understand why the government came up with this sort of "go to school" rule
in the first place.  It was for the protection of the children, not as some
sort of evil government meddling.

Where I grew up (West Virginia), it wasn't unusual -- not too many years
before I was born in 1952 -- for kids to enter the coal mines at the age of
12, or even younger, and labor there for an entire lifetime. The purpose of
the compulsory education law was to give these kids a chance at a better

Although we'd hope that human nature would act differently, we have to
understand that there were fathers who'd put their kids into the mines at a
very early age, if only for the wages that would be brought home. Hey, if
Daddy didn't get much schooling then why do the sons need schooling?

Fortunately, laws were passed and, at least at the time I was graduated, a
child had to be in school until age 16. I think that might have been raised
to age 18.

Now ... if you want to home school the kids *and* they will get a good
education, then I have no issues with that. The goal is an educated
individual. If a parent lays out a curriculum and sticks to it, the child
might get a superior education.

As for those of you who are worried about the "gubmint" indoctrinating a
child with socialist views in school, I must differ. I am *way* more worried
about the child be indoctrinated with way more dangerous philosophies,
mostly religious in nature. All three of my children went to public schools.
None are atheists. All three are pretty good citizens. My step-daughter is
the "dummy" of the trio, having only a 3.6 GPA as a university junior.

And before you think I have my head up my rear, I was *there* at BJU when
this home school movement was launched, and knew some of the folks who were
writing the curriculum. You worry about your child being perverted during
twelve years of public education? Just give them twelve years of
BJU-prepared stuff.

I am a product of a sheltered Fundamentalist upbringing and am slightly
screwed up as a result.

Fortunately, I broke out (in my mid-20s) and am still a recovering


On Jan 8, 2008 7:33 PM, Rich Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Great idea!  Perhaps the presidential candidates will take this up as a
> plank in their "law n' order" platform (I think Fred might already be
> there!).  It will bi-partisan support, who is the best one to make that
> change?
> --R (I'm for change and the best one to make it!)
> Tom Hargrave wrote:
> > Yah, right. At the same time why don't you pass a law making convenience
> > store robberies illegal? This way, no more convenience stores will be
> > robbed?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Tom Hargrave
> >
> > 256-656-1924
> >
> >
> >
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