I believe that the government is a force for evil that exists to enrich
itself and is currently at war with the people on every level.  I believe
that education is a gimmick to give a lot of stupid people part time jobs
with full time pay and has no objective beyond that, other than political
indoctrinating the "students" to go along with the program.

I could go on further, but I feel i've said enough to qualify for tinfoil.
I think you are a sucker and a fool and you think i'm flat nuts.  what else
is new?

On Jan 8, 2008 10:16 PM, Wonko the Sane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I hope you are correct. It will all depend on (1) the education ethic of
> the
> child and (2) the RULES set down by the ADULT in charge of the educational
> process.
> Nothing different from public schools. The kids who want to learn will.
> Those who aren't interested can't be beat into submission.
> As for the gubment corrupting the children ... send me your address so I
> can
> provide the raw materials for your tin foil hat.
> On Jan 8, 2008 8:53 PM, Gary Hurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i would be happy to have my kid take any standard government test and
> > when she scores in the top few percentile, i would like them to just
> > leave us the hell alone and quit wasting our time and robbing our
> > spirit.  way back in the day, you were finished being educated by the
> > time you were 14 or 15 and if you actually knew something, you'd go to
> > harvard or princeton till you were about 18.  that was legitimate
> > education.
> >
> > we now have 19 year olds who can barely read on a 4th grade level
> > taking up space at a cost of 5 figures a year and tell people this
> > somehow benefits the children.  this is a lie.  what would benefit the
> > children is to let the smart ones finish high school at the age of 14
> > and let the dumb ones go work in the mines.  the idea of of dumbing
> > and slowing it down so the smart ones are locked up bored to tears
> > until 18 so the dumb ones can actually follow it (which they won't
> > because they are stupid and they don't care) benefits no one but the
> > "educators" who get rich off this.
> >
> > NOTHING is to benefit the children.  NOTHING is to benefit the poor.
> > NOTHING is to benefit most of us.  The government only benefits itself
> > and only brings desolation to the citizenry.  If we were a decent and
> > intelligent society, we would demand they be dismantled, but we are
> > stupid dupes who believe propaganda.  at least in the old soviet
> > union, no one over the age of 10 believed the nonsense they were fed
> > by the government.  I suppose the russians are just that much smarter
> > than we are.
> >
> > On 1/8/08, Wonko the Sane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > At the risk of turning the conversation back to home schooling, one
> must
> > > understand why the government came up with this sort of "go to school"
> > rule
> > > in the first place.  It was for the protection of the children, not as
> > some
> > > sort of evil government meddling.
> > >
> > > Where I grew up (West Virginia), it wasn't unusual -- not too many
> years
> > > before I was born in 1952 -- for kids to enter the coal mines at the
> age
> > of
> > > 12, or even younger, and labor there for an entire lifetime. The
> purpose
> > of
> > > the compulsory education law was to give these kids a chance at a
> better
> > > life.
> > >
> > > Although we'd hope that human nature would act differently, we have to
> > > understand that there were fathers who'd put their kids into the mines
> > at a
> > > very early age, if only for the wages that would be brought home. Hey,
> > if
> > > Daddy didn't get much schooling then why do the sons need schooling?
> > >
> > > Fortunately, laws were passed and, at least at the time I was
> graduated,
> > a
> > > child had to be in school until age 16. I think that might have been
> > raised
> > > to age 18.
> > >
> > > Now ... if you want to home school the kids *and* they will get a good
> > > education, then I have no issues with that. The goal is an educated
> > > individual. If a parent lays out a curriculum and sticks to it, the
> > child
> > > might get a superior education.
> > >
> > > As for those of you who are worried about the "gubmint" indoctrinating
> a
> > > child with socialist views in school, I must differ. I am *way* more
> > worried
> > > about the child be indoctrinated with way more dangerous philosophies,
> > > mostly religious in nature. All three of my children went to public
> > schools.
> > > None are atheists. All three are pretty good citizens. My
> step-daughter
> > is
> > > the "dummy" of the trio, having only a 3.6 GPA as a university junior.
> > >
> > > And before you think I have my head up my rear, I was *there* at BJU
> > when
> > > this home school movement was launched, and knew some of the folks who
> > were
> > > writing the curriculum. You worry about your child being perverted
> > during
> > > twelve years of public education? Just give them twelve years of
> > > BJU-prepared stuff.
> > >
> > > I am a product of a sheltered Fundamentalist upbringing and am
> slightly
> > > screwed up as a result.
> > >
> > > Fortunately, I broke out (in my mid-20s) and am still a recovering
> > > Fundamentalist.
> > >
> > > D.
> > >
> > >
> > > On Jan 8, 2008 7:33 PM, Rich Thomas <
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Great idea!  Perhaps the presidential candidates will take this up
> as
> > a
> > > > plank in their "law n' order" platform (I think Fred might already
> be
> > > > there!).  It will bi-partisan support, who is the best one to make
> > that
> > > > change?
> > > >
> > > > --R (I'm for change and the best one to make it!)
> > > >
> > > > Tom Hargrave wrote:
> > > > > Yah, right. At the same time why don't you pass a law making
> > convenience
> > > > > store robberies illegal? This way, no more convenience stores will
> > be
> > > > > robbed?
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > Tom Hargrave
> > > > > www.kegkits.com
> > > > > 256-656-1924
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
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> > >
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