Isn't Ralph Nader still in?  Now you have four weasels to choose between!

On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 7:07 PM, Wonko the Sane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In some ways, it gets down to the lesser of three weasels.
>  If Ron Paul was viable, I'd be supporting him. He isn't.
>  So ...
>  1. McCain, who I fear will continue our current policy of World Police
>  Force. Dumb idea.the Probably an academic career inferior to Dubya's. Was
>  graduated near the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy. Might have been
>  the anchor man.
>  2. Hillary. Good ideas, but somewhat lacks credibility with me. I could like
>  her were it not for the fact that folks who have been in her presence for
>  years have told me first-hand that she is a real witch. Perhaps that is what
>  we need in a female President.
>  3.Obama. To me, race plays no part in it. I don't think he is as liberal as
>  some on here fear. The real role of the President is as a cheerleader for
>  the nation -- Congress has the real power.  Obama -- and I base this on only
>  meeting the man once -- seems to be sincere, seems to have integrity, and
>  seems to be the one to get this country back into speaking terms between the
>  two/three/four political parties. He isn't the second coming of Christ and I
>  am sure he passes gas like all of us. But, out of the available
>  alternatives, he is head and shoulders above the other two.
>  So ... I support Obama. I think he can go a long way into fixing this
>  cluster-frig that is currently our political infrastructure.

Norman, OK
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics."
-Benjamin Disraeli and/or Mark Twain
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