If we were interested in building a bunch of real PCs out of existing 
components for the sole purpose of GIMPS work, there are quite a few 
corners that we could cut which would normally be unacceptable for a 
someone's primary system. We could share a monochrome monitor among 
several systems, give them plain-vanilla VGA cards and tiny hard drives, 
and omit every irrelevant peripheral device. The most important 
component is a fast processor.

But I hypothesize that there is one area (besides the processor) in 
which a certain extravagance might be beneficial--the memory system. As 
I understand it, Prime95 uses multi-megabyte arrays of data, and the 
speed of access to them is a major limiting factor in performance. From 
what I've heard, even a Xeon processor with a 2MB cache is not a huge 

And so I have an idea: would it be possible and feasible to build the 
main memory from SRAM? I would expect this to give a bigger improvement 
than most of the processor advances that are on the horizon, including 
the Pentium III, and only 8 or 12 MB per system should be needed. Can 
anyone comment on how much this would help, what it would cost, and 
whether it is possible with existing motherboards?

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