> After the latest two events, I am saying good-bye to Prime95.
> The latest rumors (?) caused some concern, but then I upgraded
> to version 18.1 and lost two months of work (it deleted the
> intermediate files).  That did it.  Ah, well, it has been fun for
> two years.  I'll probably miss the little red icon -- for a while.
> Randy Given

Hmmm...I'd ask you to reconsider.  Remember, it's something to harness that
extra computing power that otherwise is wasted.  Sure, it's a setback to
lose 2 months worth.  Heck, I had NTPrime running on about 20 processors for
quite a while and now those exponents >4.2M need to be rechecked, but what
else would those computers do in their spare time?

Heck, I had a terrible setback in regards to prime numbers, my own fault of
course, but I still use what computers I'm *allowed* to use (heh) looking
for primes.  Just today I scrounged up a 200MHz PPro PC from spare parts at
work and got it searching...it's fun in some strange way.

So, I hope you'll reconsider.  If not, I understand that too.


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