A small suggestion. It's only a small point, and would only bother people who are 
overwhelmingly worried by rankings, but...

Could we not credit those users who have had their intermediate files wiped as a 
result of updating to v18 for the work carried out up to the last time they 
checked in the exponent to PrimeNet?

e.g. if someone was working on an exponent around 5 million (256K FFT) and they 
had checked in to PrimeNet that they were at exponent x with v17, but started the 
run again with v18, they should be credited with 0.776*x P90 CPU seconds for the 
"lost" work.

This could be seen as a sort of "good will" gesture to those who have lost work. 
After all, if they let the exponent continue to the end & report it before 
upgrading, they would get full credit, for a bad result.

Though, quite honestly, there are more urgent things to do, like knocking the 
database back into shape. However, if the server logs contain suitable 
information, I'm sure they could be scanned to retrieve the information neccessary 
to implement my suggestion.

Scott, if there's any way you could send me a description of the log file format, 
(and perhaps a small extract), I could look at writing a program which you could 
use to do the processing, but I won't be able to look at it for a week or two.

Brian Beesley
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