On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Hoogendoorn, Sander wrote:

> The Pentium III, also known under the code name 'Katmai', does not come with
> a feature that would show an immediate performance increase as in case of
> the K6-3. Its basic core as well as the L2-cache architecture is identical
> to the Pentium II processor. The justification for the new name lies in a
> set of 70 new multimedia instructions, once known as 'KNI', now known as
> 'SSE' standing for 'streaming SIMD extensions'. Those new instructions
> enable the CPU to perform floating-point calculations on multiple data at
> the same time, which proves very helpful for 3D graphics, video encoding and
> decoding and other floating point intensive applications that operate on
> large sets of data.
> Can this be helpfull for searching Mersenne primes???

Only if KNI allows double precision floating point (which it almost
surely won't, since multimedia doesn't need 15-digit precision). 
Now, if KNI has very fast 32-bit to 64-bit unsigned integer multiplies it
does open up the chance of a pretty fast number-theoretic DWT squaring,
but I wouldn't hold my breath that it has that, either.


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