On Sun, Feb 28, 1999 at 07:21:51PM -0700, Aaron Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also FWIW, the package of a PII is nothing more than the CPU and a couple of
> chips for the L2 cache.  It's *possible* that the first Celerons were PII's
> with failed L2 cache chips that were then disabled, but not likely.  Since
> they are seperate chips and are assembled in the package, each chip is
> tested prior to packaging and there wouldn't really be any PII's with bad
> cache.

I suspect the problem was with the cache controller on the CPU, much like...

> the 486sx which were 486DX chips with the FPU purposely disabled.

... which were disabled because they failed QA testing.


Bryan Fullerton                http://www.samurai.com/
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