Just to add some life to this list... No, this is _not_ a joke. This is only
a really crazy idea.

We are always in search of more CPU power. Since toasters are not (yet) 
powerful enough to run LL tests, I thought we might turn to the second
greatest mass of CPU power: consoles.

Those machines are ultra-powerful and usually off 20 hours a day (unless the
owner is really freaked)... Of course, there are a lot of problems associated
with this approach:

1. Getting somebody to code the program.
2. Getting the program over to the console. (Hasn't the N64 got support for
   some kind of writable cartridges now? Not pirate cartridges, but some kind
   of tape, I believe. At least it was advertised when the N64 was new.)
3. Getting the exponents to and from the console. (This could perhaps be
   done manually, but saving some stuff such as LL residues while calcing
   would be a _big_ problem. Perhaps there is a way to save in memory cards
   or similar, like the PS. Or perhaps we should restrict them to factoring.)

As I said, this is pretty unrealistic for now, but certainly an interesting
opportunity if we can do it. At least it would generate a load of publicity...

/* Steinar */
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