> >No.  I would not want it popping up on each of my computers, requiring
> >a mouse click on each; too tedious.  Email is sufficient.
> >A popup for each instance on each multiple-cpu system is really
> a nuisance.
> >
> >Imagine if USWest had seen 2500 of those popups on the same day.
> >VIRUS!!! Lynch whoever's responsible!!

Well, US WEST is trying to lynch me anyway, so... :-)

> I agree that a mouse click for every instance would create more problems
> than it would solved but I think the idea of some additional warning
> mechanism has some possible merit.  There are a number of less intrusive
> options availible other than a message box which would REQUIRE user
> interaction.  For example, have the Icon in the system tray change color
> and/or blink based upon the urgency of the update (some sort of code that
> George could set on the primenet server).  And/or as reminder the
> next time
> Prime95 is unmaximized add a text message (or even a hyper-link to jump to
> the download page) in the window that displays the current
> iteration count .

Yes, actually that's more what I had in mind.  I thought that maybe there
could be a little status bar at the bottom of the Prime95 window that
scrolls important information or something.  I like the bit about having the
icon change color, but it's already mostly RED which would have been a good
"alert" color.  Maybe slowly flashing YELLOW or something, or make is
usually GREEN then YELLOW for messages and RED for big problems.

For folks running this on a lot of machines, you'd obviously just turn this
feature off on most of them, only keeping it turned on for your own personal

Well, these are all good thoughts, let's see what George and Scott can
do...they've already done so much as it is.


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