OK, second message in a row, I just thought it would be nice to separate them.

Has anybody got experience in turning off/disabling screensavers under Win95?
We run Prime95 at 40 machines (most of them 486'es, though) at school, and
screen savers are CPU hoggers (I suppose... at least everybody tells me so).
Two solutions I could think of (both ideally incorporated under Win95):

1. Have Prime95 reset the screen saver every 5 minutes or so (possibly when
   it's outputting) to `Blank Screen'. Would need fiddling with the Registry.
2. Do a call to mouse_event() or keyboard_event() (possibly hitting Ctrl, or
   any not-so-important key, or moving the mouse one pixel), preventing the
   screen saver from being run at all.

If anybody could submit some code (hopefully ultimately being incorporated in
the official Prime95 program, I guess this is a common problem), I would be
most grateful. (I could compile the program on my own, but the best thing
would get it into an official version, so we wouldn't need to have the security
code problem.)

BTW, we had another problem that I'm in the process of fixing: Every now and
then, these machines will be reset using Ghost, losing both the [pq]* files
and the worktodo.ini files (the rest of the files are not that important). I'm
now writing a Linux pseudo-proxy that will give out the same exponent every
time if it has not been cleared. (The [pq]* problem remains unsolved :-( ) If
anybody are interested (I could make this work under Windows, too, if there is
a need for it), let me know. (Of course, if there is no uncleared exponent,
the request will be forwarded to the standard PrimeNet server. I'm wondering
how Prime95 will cope if it wants more than one exponent, and gets the same
all the time. Setting `Days of work to get' to 1 should fix this problem.)

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