>Why not just write a piece of code that (during installation of Prime95)
>removes the screensaver start-up line in the ini (windows) files. Then,
>restart the PC with these new settings and the screensaver start-up lines
>will be invisiable to the bootup. This would automatically turn off
>screensavers. Once the Prime95 program is uninstalled (forbid that to
>happen), the screen saver can be added back into the ini file and the
>computer can load the screensaver files.

I'm not in favour of "forcing" this solution on to users, it sounds a
bit draconian to me. Also, I've been known to criticise vehemently
software vendors whose setup programs trample on users' personalizations.

I would much prefer a programme of user education - either convince them
that animated screensavers are a waste of resources which could be used
more profitably, or at least get them to change the priority of Prime95
to 4 so that it's guaranteed a reasonable chance of getting CPU cycles.

BTW experiments indicate that screensavers usually don't consume more than
25% of the available CPU cycles anyway. I'd rather have a user who feels
they really need their animated screensaver run Prime95 at 75% of its
potential than not run Prime95 at all.

Brian Beesley
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