Hi folks,

As we all impatiently await verification of M38(?) a really stupid thought
occurred to me, so apologies if it's a lot more ignorant than Chuck W.'s
"definitive" post on the subject of GIMPS v SETI, or distributed computing
in general.

If the verification of M38 is making us impatient, how on earth would we
feel if SETI did find E.T., and we had to wait thousands of years for our
reply to get back? And, if we send M1, M2, M3.... M38 as proof of our
intelligence, what will *their* comparative results be by the time the
message arrives?

My apologies for being so inane, but I wonder whether the EFF *b*illion
digit prime prize or SETI will happen first, too...

Chris Nash
Lexington KY
Co-discoverer of probably the 8th and 11th largest known primes.

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