Ah, here's something interesting...
I was working on a machine which was running Prime95 (v18,
BTW, and in a visible window), when it decided to contact
PrimeNet. No Problem! It sent the text messages about
trial-factoring until:
Sending text message to server:
M10461667 has a factor: 7841028322998353783
Sending expected completion date for M10461667: Sep 21 1998
ERROR 11: Exponent already tested.
Yes, the expected completion date message was expected as
the machine was still testing (for smaller factors),
and was sitting at 1275205555*2^32 (Pass 5 of 16) at the
time it did this...
I just found it interesting that PrimeNet would produce an
error like this. What would happen if Prime95 should happen
to find a smaller factor? Would it be accepted? Hmmmm.....
Eric Hahn
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