
At 06:24 PM 9/20/99 -0700, Eric Hahn wrote:
>Sending text message to server:
>M10461667 has a factor: 7841028322998353783
>Sending expected completion date for M10461667: Sep 21 1998
>ERROR 11: Exponent already tested.
>Yes, the expected completion date message was expected as
>the machine was still testing (for smaller factors)
>I just found it interesting that PrimeNet would produce an
>error like this.  What would happen if Prime95 should happen
>to find a smaller factor?  Would it be accepted?

This is really a flaw in our original design that we've never bothered
to fix.  I believe prime95 shouldn't send an expected completion date
if it has already reported a factor.  However, it is a low priority bug.
The server will happily accept any smaller factors you find.


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