Achim Passauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I read that you are running GIMPS-related software on
>Alpha-Workstations. IŽd like to ask, whether you have executable files
>(*.exe) for one or more of the following operating systems:
>RSX-11M-PLUS, Version 4.3  Base level 66           (PDP)
>VAX/VMS V5.5-2             (MicroVAX 3900)
>VAX/VMS A5.5                   (Workstation)
>These computers are doing nothing all the day and they could support
>GIMPS though they are really old.

Hi, Achim - thanks for your interest.

All my .exe's are for Alpha-CPU-based platforms running Compaq TruUnix
(formerly Digital Unix) or Linux. In the past I had a VMS .exe, but the
last inquiry I had about that was nearly two years ago. I do have some
information about the person who last compiled such a version, Phil Brett,
including his e-mail address, at my ftp site: look at the header of 


to see what minor changes Phil had to make to get the code to compile
and run under VMS.

I'm not familiar with the platforms you list - I suspect some of them
may be based on MIPS CPUs, which is OK - Mlucas is known to perform very
well on MIPS - but you'd need a Fortran-90 compiler, which is less certain.
You could always try sending an inquiry to the Mersenne list and/or other
computer-related newsgroups.

If you do find an f90 compiler for one of your platforms, note that the
above source code is NOT the one you want to use - see /pub/mayer/README
in the above ftp archive for information about the latest version of the
code, Mlucas_2.7y.f90. I'd be interested to hear what kinds of timings
you get, and more details about your CPUs (model, MHz, cache sizes, etc.)

If you can't find an f90 compiler, I recommend going to Will Edgington's
source code archive ( and try compiling MacLucasUNIX,
which is C code.

Good luck,

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