> >RSX-11M-PLUS, Version 4.3  Base level 66           (PDP)

Err, thats a PDP-11.  A old (early/mid 1970s) 16 bit computer with probably
64k-128k of ram.  Instruction cycle time is probably sub 1Mhz. Floating
point was an expensive optional board which was treated like a IO peripheral
on most PDP-11's.

> >VAX/VMS V5.5-2             (MicroVAX 3900)

If I recall (could be wrong) this was slower than the VAX-11/780?  If so, we
are talking about a sub-1 MFLOPS 32 bit minicomputer.  You can take the MHz
of a VAX-11 class CPU and divide by about 8-10 to get the MIPS rating.  The
original VAX-11/780 reference model ran at 10MHz or about 1.2MIPS.  On many
of the smaller models, floating point was emulated, hence very slow.

> >VAX/VMS A5.5                   (Workstation)

Probably also a VAX architecture machine, but not clear which model.

> >These computers are doing nothing all the day and they could support
> >GIMPS though they are really old.

a year on one of these wouldn't equal one day on a pentium-II.


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