At 12:54 PM 10/12/99 +1000, Simon Burge wrote:
>"John R Pierce" wrote:
> > a year on one of these [a vax] wouldn't equal one day on a pentium-II.
>Probably a bit generous there even, given that older vaxen wouldn't
>have pipelined FPU's so you might get one result every 10 (or perhaps
>even 100) clocks, as opposed to one result almost every clock on modern

In his book "Programming Pearls", Jon Bentley gives the figure of 570 
seconds for sorting 10,000 integers on a VAX-11/750.  My PII-300 does it 
1160 times faster and my C-400 is 1780 times faster.  But that is comparing 
working with integers instead of FP.

|     Jud McCranie                                        |
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| Programming Achieved with Structure, Clarity, And Logic |

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