> Hi there, I've experienced a problem.  I'm wondering if anyone else has had 
> this problem:
> GIMPS freezes my system after it runs for about 24 hours or so.
> I have Windows NT 4.0 (SP5)
> Dual Intel Celeron 433Mhz (BP6 motherboard)
> 128MB RAM
> If I quit both GIMPS processes on my machine (and I'm running one with the 
> -A2 command-line option) and start them again, no problems.  It's only after 
> both have been running for some time.  But I don't want to do this because I 
> leave my computer for days at a time.

It sounds like you might have problems with overheating in the case which can
often cause lockups, since Prime95 stresses the CPU more, it produces more heat.

I would advise getting a case fan.

Just my $0.00 (the GNU version)

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