On 24 Jan 00, at 1:59, Dennis Peter wrote:

> Hi there, I've experienced a problem.  I'm wondering if anyone else has
> had this problem:
> GIMPS freezes my system after it runs for about 24 hours or so.
> I have Windows NT 4.0 (SP5)
> Dual Intel Celeron 433Mhz (BP6 motherboard)
> 128MB RAM

As it happens, there is an article on the BP6 board in the March 
Personal Computer World (UK) which I received today which may be 
relevant. ("Hands On: Hardware") Apparently the BX chipset may need 
auxilliary cooling when the system is driven hard (which 2 copies of 
Prime95 running LL tests will definitely do). The gist of the article 
is about overclocked systems, but the practical upshot is that 
apparently cooling fans sold for obsolete 486 CPUs fit the BX chipset 
package perfectly! Another suggestion is to refit the chipset and CPU 
heatsinks using thermal transfer compound, which should help keep the 
CPU cool by letting waste heat get to the heatsink more easily.

Maybe the trick of using the 486 CPU fan on the BX chipset package 
would assist some other systems, especially those running dual 
PII/III's or even fast uniprocessor systems, if they're showing any 
signs of flakiness.

Brian Beesley
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