
i really know nothing about your past except what i've read here.

it's your current comments re poaching which i have found
objectionable.  as you can see, i do feel free to comment regardless
of your possible lack of appreciation for my comments.  if you repented
& apologized for your alleged-previous-poaching-transgressions i might
think differently, but you appear to be unapologetic.  
(but i don't really expect you to care what *i* think!!!)

really - to each his own.  i do recognize your right to think that
your current pro-poaching comments are moral even if
actually they are not, just as i recognize a moral-relativist's right
to so delude themselves on whatever matter of immorality they like.
while these folks may be deluding themselves they aren't fooling me -
and i'm plenty foolish on my own accord!


    Aaron> See, it's the snide comments like that that I don't
    Aaron> appreciate.

    Aaron> It's attitudes like yours that are more likely to drive
    Aaron> people away from GIMPS than whether or not someone poaches
    Aaron> an assignment and results in the occasional triple check.

    Aaron> Fortunately I happen to know that most people who
    Aaron> participate are nice folks.  So the fact that a couple
    Aaron> people on here want to make continued references to my past
    Aaron> in an attempt to paint me as an uncaring and morally
    Aaron> reprehensible person isn't enough to dissuade me from
    Aaron> continued participation. :)

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