On 4 Feb 2002, at 11:52, Robin Stevens wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 03, 2002 at 08:06:27PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > As for Mary's current predicament, with that block of small 
> > exponents you have, my best suggestion is to reverse the order of 
> > the lines in worktodo.ini so that the _largest_ ones are done first. 
> > Intermediate checkins to PrimeNet will then cause unstarted 
> > assignments which are no longer neccessary to be automatically 
> > removed.
> Of course if one _keeps_ doing this, then the smallest exponents never get
> processed (and perhaps they become more likely to be poached) :-)

Nah, the candle is being burned from both ends. The point is that 
the small ones _are_ being poached. If you work in the same order 
as the poacher, work on lots of exponents will be replicated. If you 
work in the opposite order, only one exponent will be accidentally 

Brian Beesley
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