> Me as well.  From what I understand the breakpoints to be, my K6-2 400
> would be put on first time LL's by default.  I tried it on DC's, but the
> FPU is so poor that it is really only suited to factoring.  My 466 Celeron
> could do LL's very slowly, but given the relative balance between LL's and
> DC's right now, I chose to put it on DC's.  Unsexy work highly unlikely to
> find a prime, and yet still needs to be done.

I have cached on my P-200 4 TF assignments that fall under the 2^66 bit
limit. This machine takes roughly one week to complete 2^65. I don't know
what I'm going to do with this machine after is starts crunching TF on 18M.
I did one in the past, it took nearly a month :(

But I refuse to retire this machine. Let it crunch away until the mobo
fries. :)

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