Hi again:

I received the mail from Mersenne list two times. Is it because of subejct? :)
The first time is the mail I sent to list, the second is the same mail 
mirrored by an unknown for me 'ntsys24.yucom.be' system. !?

> Back to the subject, I'm wondering about how fast can we do two L-L test in
> parallel using this SSE2 extensions. Basically, I'm thinking in use two
> nearest exponents with the same FFT-length. The memory access in FFT phase
> would be the same, the trig data also the same, the most difficult part
> would be the carry-and-normalization pass.

This dificult could also dissapear making the second test over the same 
exponent. We then get the L-L and double check at once. Remember the scheme 
Prime95 uses to make double check is to shift initally a random number of 
bits. DWT scrambles the data enough to be reasonabily sure both test are 
independent.  A matching result would imply a very confident result. A non 
matching result would say us something was wrong.  It also would allow us to 
check interim results to be sure all is well so far.



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