
> >This difficult could also dissappear making the second test over the same
> >exponent. We then get the L-L and double check at once. Remember the
> > scheme Prime95 uses to make double check is to shift initally a random
> > number of bits.
> Testing a number in parallel with itself is obviously a bad idea if there
> occurs an undetected error. :-)

I also think it would no be as solid as two L-L running on two machines, once 
said that, I can't imagine an error giving the same residue in both streams 
with two different random starting point bits. This independence is the 
base of all Double-check made with Prime95 for the exponents tested with the 
same program. The risk of matching residues by casualty is negligible (almost 
 2^(-64) ~ 0). 

This way the v.19 bug would be discovered inmediately, because any residue 
wouldn't match.. 



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