On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 08:22:44PM +0000, Brian J. Beesley wrote:
>Sure. But the only way there would be a problem here (given that the data 
>values are independent because of the different random offsets) is if there 
>was a major error like miscounting the number of iterations. This is 
>relatively easy to test out.

Take the worst-case scenario -- some person has cracked the PrimeNet security
code and submits fake results. Or a cosmic ray hits the CPU just before it
calculates the PrimeNet checksum, causing it to send a bad residue. Or
whatever. :-)

I don't really see the point of doing it this way -- I'm sure most users
would be a lot happier getting twice the speed out of their computers. You'd
have less problems with early quitters, too.

/* Steinar */
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