Recently I've been translating Prime95's P-1 limit-choosing algorithm 
into another language for a P-1 utility of mine.  Let me offer some 
further explanation.  (George, please point out any errors!)

Inputs to the algorithm: exponent of the Mersenne number to be factored, 
how far (as a power of 2) trial factoring of that Mnumber has reached, 
whether the P-1 effort precedes a first-time LL test or a double-check, 
how much memory is to be available during P-1 factoring, plus 
empirically-derived constants and fudge factors in various formulas.

The algorithm is independent of specific systems or CPUs.  That is, it 
does not consider or estimate actual time needed to perform an 
operation, or consider a given CPU's relative performance on integer vs. 
floating-point instructions.  Its basic unit of measure for the cost of 
a procedure is the FFT "squaring" (= a transform, a convolution, then 
another transform).  For GCDs, which do FFT multiplications that are not 
squarings, the algorithm estimates the number of FFT transforms needed 
by the GCD, then divides by two to get the equivalent number of 

If a P-1 factoring run with particular B1 and B2 bounds will require 
175,000 FFT squarings in stage 1, a GCD that will take as much time as 
3,000 FFT squarings, and 122,000 FFT squarings in stage 2, the algorithm 
considers that P-1 run's total cost to be 300,000 -- it is assumed that 
the time required for other parts of the run can be neglected in 

(George -- Doesn't a two-stage P-1 require two GCDs, not just one?  And 
it looks like some of the cost comparisons don't include even one GCD 
... was that a deliberate omission, or am I overlooking something?)

Dickman's function (see Knuth Vol. 2, or previous discussion on this 
list) is used to calculate the probability of the P-1 procedure's 
finding a factor.

Perhaps you've wondered what role the how-far-trial-factored input 
plays.  Well, if a Mnumber has been trial-factored to 2^63 (with no 
success, or else we wouldn't be considering P-1 now), then P-1 will not 
find any factors of 63 bits or less.  But if the Mnumber had been 
trial-factored to only 2^57, then there would still be some chance of 
finding a factor between 2^57 and 2^63 during a P-1 run, in addition to 
the chance of finding a factor above 2^63.  The algorithm takes this 
into account.

Continuing the example from above -- If that 300,000-squaring P-1 run 
has a 1.25% probability of finding a factor, then it would balance an 
L-L test costing 300,000/.0125 = 24,000,000.  L-L tests are considered 
to cost 1.015 times their number of FFT squarings, to balance the 
historically observed 1.5% rate of erroneous L-L results, so an L-L test 
on an exponent of, say, 22,000,000 would be considered to cost 
22,000,000 * 1.015 = 22,330,000 squarings.  In this case, the P-1 
limit-choosing algorithm would decide that a P-1 cost of 300,000 with 
probability of 0.0125 would not be worthwhile on an exponent of 
22,000,000, but would be worth a try on an exponent of, say, 25,000,000 
because 300,000/.0125 is less than 25,000,000 * 1.015.

The above example is somewhat backwards, though, because the algorithm 
actually considers only one given exponent's L-L cost versus the costs 
and probabilities for several combinations of B1 and B2 bounds, and 
picks out the best combination of P-1 cost and probability for that 

Prime95 considers B1 values starting at 10,000 then going up in 
increments of 5,000.  For each B1, Prime95 considers B2 values starting 
with B2 = B1, then going up in increments of B1*0.25.  So, for B1 = 
10,000, Prime95 calculates costs and probabilities for B2 = 10,000, 
12,500, 15,000, 17,500, and so on.  Then for B1 = 15,000, it considers 
B2 = 15,000, 18,750, 22,500, 26,250, 30,000, and so on.

When does the algorithm stop incrementing B1 and B2 values it examines? 
 Either (1) when the B2 stage would require too much memory (one of the 
algorithm inputs was how much memory is to be available during P-1 
factoring), or (2) when the relative worth of the P-1 run falls below 
90% of the most worthy P-1 bounds combination so far considered.  By 
"relative worth" and "worthy", I mean the amount by which [L-L cost 
multiplied by probability of P-1 success] exceeds [P-1 cost].  The shape 
of Dickman's function guarantees that criterion (2) is eventually 
satisfied at some increment of both B1 and B2.

Where the first-time/double-check matters:  For a double-check, the L-L 
cost is as illustrated in the example above.  For a first-time L-L, the 
L-L cost against which P-1 cost is compared is twice that value -- i.e., 
the algorithm multiplies the exponent by 1.015 * 2 = 2.03 to get the 
number of L-L squarings.  That's because a successful P-1 factoring 
before a first-time test will eliminate the need for both the first-time 
and double-check L-L tests rather than only the double-check L-L test.

Formulas for calculating the numbers of FFT squarings required by P-1 
factoring are more complicated than the simple ( number of squarings = 
exponent - 2 ) one used for L-L test cost because P-1 factoring 
operation is inherently more complex than L-L testing.  Furthermore, 
Prime95's P-1 operation differs according to how much memory is 
available -- it will perform a tradeoff of more memory use for faster 
operation when possible, and this tradeoff is taken into account by the 
limit-choosing algorithm.

Outputs from the algorithm: optimal B1 and B2, total number of squarings 
for a P-1 run using that combination, and probability of finding a 
factor using that combination.

Though both P-1 and L-L costs are dominated by the number of FFT 
squarings required, the nonlinear dependence of P-1 squaring cost on 
exponent and bounds means that there can be a discontinuity in chosen 
bounds when the exponent passes from the range for one FFT size to that 
for another FFT size -- the balance point shifts differently for P-1 and 

Richard Woods

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