Hi Steve,

My current prime.ini has "Windows95Service=0", and the Win95 Service box 
is not checked. However, whenever the program starts, it gives me the 
"Can't write registry value" error. I looked into the latest source 
(source22.zip) and I see that for Win95 systems, it seems to always try 
to delete the key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ Microsoft\ CurrentVersion\ RunServices\ 

but cannot because it is not there (as you said). This is in the routine 
Service95(). But this is not supposed to be called unless Prime95 is 
setup as a Windows service.

For some reason, on my Win95 box, Service95() is always called. I tried 
deleting the Windows95Service option from prime.ini, then set Prime95 to 
be a service and it properly changed the prime.ini file. I do not use 
the "-A" option with Prime95, so the prime.ini in the Prime95.exe 
directory is used. But whether the Windows95Service option is deleted or 
just set to zero, I still get the error. The code in Prime95.cpp looks 
fine, but I must be missing something.

But wait, there's more. Just for grins, I tried it on my Win98 SE box 
and it shows the same behavior! If I uncheck the "Start at bootup" box, 
restart Prime95, I get the exact same error message. So this is not a 
Win95-specific problem. I always had my Win98 box set with "Start at 
bootup" so I never noticed this before.

And just for more fun, I found another problem with Prime95 in how it 
operates. I have my Prime95 setup with Tray Icon. If I start Prime95, 
double-click on the icon to open Prime95, do a File-> Exit real quick, 
the program hangs and stops responding to all mouse clicks. At this 
point, you must kill it. This is reproducible on my Win98 and Win95 box. 
If you wait a few more seconds before doing the File-> Exit, then there 
is no problem.

Note to everyone else: None of these problems are critical to the 
operation of Prime95. They amount to minor annoyances, so please don't 
blow this out of proportion. The details I supplied are to help George 
figure this out sometime when he is looking for something to do :-)

Thanks for the air time.



Steve Harris wrote:

>Sounds like the opposite problem: Prime95 is trying to delete a registry
>entry that doesn't exist. I had one do that to me recently. Rather than
>uncheck the box, manually edit ( in prime.ini ) the line "windows service=1"
>(or whatever line it has to that effect) to "...=0" and it will no longer
>see a need to try to delete the registry entry. And the box will now show as
>Hope that helps,
>Steve Harris

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