Hi George,

I have tested this new feature (using W2K + prime95 V22.7)
I have found that when logging off and logging on again, the small red icon
is not coming back (while prime95 is still running)

Regards, Jean-Yves

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Woltman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 20:55
Subject: Re: Mersenne: W2K service installation problems

> Hi,
> At 09:22 AM 7/25/2002 +0200, Helmut Zeisel wrote:
> >I recently upgraded from WinNT to W2K and now want to install
> >the service version of mprime again.
> >
> >Since I previously used ntprime, I tried  "ntprime -install".
> >This worked, but starting the service exits with
> >
> >Could not start the Prime Service service on Local Computer.
> >Error 5: Access is denied.
> >
> >I have administrator rights, so this should not be the cause.
> >
> >Anyway, I downloaded FireDaemon-Light-1_5-BRC1.exe and installed Prime95.
> >Starting FiredDaemonService: prime95 now exits with
> >
> >Could not start the FireDaemon Service: prime 95 service on Local
> >Error 1: Incorrect function.
> >
> >Any hints what went wrong?
> Not really.
> Please try ftp://mersenne.org/gimps/p95v227.zip
> The GUI version can now be installed as an NT service.  Just
> check the "Start at Bootup" menu option.
> This is a new feature so let me know of any problems.
> Thanks,
> George
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