On 1 March 2013 15:14, Ian Romanick <i...@freedesktop.org> wrote:

> Since last September I've been gradually working on an extension to let
> applications query information about the renderer before (and after)
> creating a context.  I've talked it over with a few ISVs and with various
> other folks.  I also gathered some input from folks at FOSDEM after my talk
> there.  After going through several iterations of review and modification,
> I think it's finally ready for wider input.
> Some of the earliest feedback that I got was that many ISVs really like
> the interface that fills this niche on Mac OS.  It's a pretty nice API, and
> this API is modeled after it.  There are, however, some differences.
> I've pasted the spec below so that people can provide in-line comments.
>  I've also pushed a branch with the spec and the initial implementation.
>  There are a few things potentially provided by the spec that are not
> included in the initial implementation.  I've implemented a couple unit
> tests, and I have some piglit tests in-progress.
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~**idr/mesa/log/?h=query-renderer<http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~idr/mesa/log/?h=query-renderer>
> I'm mostly looking for input on the specification itself.  Once this is
> good, I will also add EGL support.
> Name
>     MESA_query_renderer
> Name Strings
>     GLX_MESA_query_renderer
> Contact
>     Ian Romanick <ian.d.roman...@intel.com>
> IP Status
>     No known IP claims.
> Status
>     Incomplete.  DO NOT SHIP.
> Version
>     Version 5, 14-February-2013
> Number
>     TBD.
> Dependencies
>     GLX 1.4 is required.
>     GLX_ARB_create_context and GLX_ARB_create_context_profile are required.
>     This extension interacts with GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_**profile and
>     GLX_EXT_create_context_es_**profile.
> Overview
>     In many situations, applications want to detect characteristics of a
>     rendering device before creating a context for that device. Information
>     gathered at this stage may guide choices the application makes about
>     color depth, number of samples per-pixel, texture quality, and so on.
>     In addition, versions of supported APIs and implementation API
>     preference may also guide start-up decisions made by the application.
>     For example, one implementation may prefer vertex data be supplied
> using
>     methods only available in a compatibility profile, but another
>     implementation may only support the desired version in a core profile.
>     There are also cases where more than one renderer may be available per
>     display.  For example, there is typically a hardware implementation and
>     a software based implementation.  There are cases where an application
>     may want to pick one over the other.  One such situation is when the
>     software implementation supports more features than the hardware
>     implementation.  Another situation is when a particular version of the
>     hardware implementation is blacklisted due to known bugs.
>     This extension provides a mechanism for the application to query all of
>     the available renderers for a particular display and screen.  In
>     addition, this extension provides a mechanism for applications to
> create
>     contexts with respect to a specific renderer.
> New Procedures and Functions
>     Bool glXQueryRendererIntegerMESA(**Display *dpy, int screen,
>                                      int renderer, int attribute,
>                                      unsigned int *value);
>     Bool glXQueryCurrentRendererInteger**MESA(int attribute, unsigned int
> *value);
>     const char *glXQueryRendererStringMESA(**Display *dpy, int screen,
>                                            int renderer, int attribute);
>     const char ***glXQueryCurrentRendererStringM**ESA(int attribute);
> New Tokens
>     Accepted as an <attribute> in glXQueryRendererIntegerMESA:
>         GLX_RENDERER_VENDOR_ID_MESA                      0xXXXX
>         GLX_RENDERER_DEVICE_ID_MESA                      0xXXXX
>         GLX_RENDERER_VERSION_MESA                        0xXXXX
>         GLX_RENDERER_ACCELERATED_MESA                    0xXXXX
>         GLX_RENDERER_VIDEO_MEMORY_MESA                   0xXXXX
>  0xXXXX
>     Accepted as an <attribute> in glXQueryRendererStringMESA:
>     Accepted as an attribute name in <*attrib_list> in
>     glXCreateContextAttribsARB:
>         GLX_RENDERER_ID_MESA                             0xXXXX
> Additions to the OpenGL / WGL Specifications
>     None. This specification is written for GLX.
> Additions to the GLX 1.4 Specification
>     [Add the following to Section X.Y.Z of the GLX Specification]
>     To obtain information about the available renderers for a particular
>     display and screen,
>         void glXQueryRendererIntegerMESA(**Display *dpy, int screen, int
> renderer,
>                                          int attribute, unsigned int
> *value);
>     can be used.  The value for <attribute> will be returned in one or more
>     integers specified by <value>.  The values, data sizes, and
> descriptions
>     of each renderer attribute are listed in the table below.
>     GLX renderer attribute         number     description
>                                   of values
>     ----------------------        ---------   -----------
>     GLX_RENDERER_VENDOR_ID_MESA   1           PCI ID of the device vendor
>     GLX_RENDERER_DEVICE_ID_MESA   1           PCI ID of the device
>     GLX_RENDERER_VERSION_MESA     3           Major, minor, and patch
> level of
>                                               the renderer implementation
>     GLX_RENDERER_ACCELERATED_MESA 1           Boolean indicating whether or
>                                               not the renderer is hardware
>                                               accelerated
>     GLX_RENDERER_VIDEO_MEMORY_MESA 1          Number of megabytes of video
>                                               memory available to the
> renderer
>                                   1           Boolean indicating whether or
>                                               not the renderer uses a
> unified
>                                               memory architecture or has
>                                               separate "on-card" and GART
>                                               memory.
>                                   1           Bitmask of the preferred
> context
>                                               profile for this renderer.
>  This
>                                               value is suitable to be
> supplied
>                                               with the
>                                               GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB
>                                               attribute to
>                                               glXCreateContextAttribsARB
>                                   2           Maximum core profile major
> and
>                                               minor version supported by
> the
>                                               renderer
>                                   2           Maximum compatibility profile
>                                               major and minor version
>                                               supported by the renderer
>                                   2           Maximum OpenGL ES 1.x
>                                               major and minor version
>                                               supported by the renderer
>                                   2           Maximum OpenGL ES 2.x or 3.x
>                                               major and minor version
>                                               supported by the renderer
>     In the table, boolean attributes will have either the value 0 or 1.
>     GLX_RENDERER_OPENGL_ES2_**PROFILE_VERSION_MESA each return <0, 0> in
>     *value if no version of that profile is supported.
>     If <attribute> is not a recognized value, False is returned, but no GLX
>     error is generated.  Otherwise, True is returned.

It would be nice to clarify (a) what happens to <value> if <attribute> is
unrecognized, and (b) that no error is generated if <attribute> is
recognized.  Here's a possibility that clarifies these things and I suspect
matches your intent: "If <attribute> is not a recognized value, False is
returned and no data is written to <value>.  Otherwise, True is returned.
Regardless of whether <attribute> is a recognized value, no GLX error is

>     String versions of some attributes may also be queried using
>         const char *glXQueryRendererStringMESA(**Display *dpy, int screen,
>                                                int renderer, int
> attribute);
>     The value for <attribute> will be returned in one or more
>     integers specified by <value>.  The values, data sizes, and
> descriptions
>     of each renderer attribute are listed in the table below.
>     GLX renderer attribute        description
>     ----------------------        -----------
>     GLX_RENDERER_VENDOR_ID_MESA   Name of the renderer provider.  This may
>                                   differ from the vendor name of the
>                                   underlying hardware.
>     GLX_RENDERER_DEVICE_ID_MESA   Name of the renderer.  This may differ
> from
>                                   the name of the underlying hardware
> (e.g.,
>                                   for a software renderer).
>     If <attribute> is not a recognized value, NULL is returned, but no GLX
>     error is generated.
>     The string returned for GLX_RENDERER_VENDOR_ID_MESA will have the same
>     format as the string that would be returned by glGetString of
>     It may, however, have a different value.
>     The string returned for GLX_RENDERER_DEVICE_ID_MESA will have the same
>     format as the string that would be returned by glGetString of
>     It may, however, have a different value.

It's not obvious to me why these two queries might return different values
than the corresponding glGetString calls.  It might be nice to have a "for

(Issue #15 looks like it's trying to address this question, but I'm afraid
I don't understand.)

>     [Add to section section 3.3.7 "Rendering Contexts"]
>     The attribute name GLX_RENDERER_ID_MESA specified the index of the
> render

I think you mean "specifies".

>     against which the context should be created.  The default value of
>     GLX_RENDER_ID_MESA is 0.
>     [Add to list of errors for glXCreateContextAttribsARB in section
> section
>     3.3.7 "Rendering Contexts"]
>       * If the value of GLX_RENDERER_ID_MESA specifies a non-existent
>         renderer, BadMatch is generated.
> Dependencies on GLX_EXT_create_context_es_**profile and
> GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_**profile
>     If neither extension is supported, remove all mention of
>     If GLX_EXT_create_context_es_**profile is not supported, remove all
> mention of
> Issues
>     1) How should the difference between on-card and GART memory be
> exposed?
>         UNRESOLVED.
>     2) How should memory limitations of unified memory architecture (UMA)
>     systems be exposed?
>         UNRESOLVED.  Some hardware has different per-process and global
>         limits for memory that can be accessed within a single draw call.
>     3) How should the renderer's API preference be advertised?
>         UNRESOLVED.  The common case for desktop renderers is to prefer
>         either core or compatibility.  However, some renderers may actually
>         prefer an ES context.  This leaves the application in a tough spot
>         if it can only support core or compatibility and the renderer says
> it
>         wants ES.
>     4) Should OpenGL ES 2.0 and OpenGL ES 3.0 be treated separately?
>         RESOLVED.  No.  OpenGL ES 3.0 is backwards compatible with OpenGL
> ES
>         2.0.  Applications can detect OpenGL ES 3.0 support by querying
>     5) How can applications tell the difference between different hardware
>     renderers for the same device?  For example, whether the renderer is
> the
>     open-source driver or the closed-source driver.
>         RESOLVED.  Assuming this extension is ever implemented outside
> Mesa,
>         applications can query GLX_RENDERER_VENDOR_ID_MESA from
>         glXQueryRendererStringMESA.  This will almost certainly return
>         different strings for open-source and closed-source drivers.
> for
>     software renderers?
>         UNRESOLVED.  Video (display) memory and texture memory is not
> unified
>         for software implementations, so it seems reasonable for this to be
>         False.
>     7) How does an application determine the number of available renderers?
>         UNRESOLVED.
>     8) What happens if a fbconfig is used to create context on a renderer
>     that cannot support it?  For example, if a multisampled config is used
>     with a software renderer that does not support multisampling.
>         RESOLVED.  The language for glXCreateContextAttribsARB already
> covers
>         this case.  Context creation will fail, and BadMatch is generated.
>     9) In addition to being able to query the supported versions, should
>     applications also be able to query the supported extensions?
>         RESOLVED.  No.  Desktop OpenGL core profiles and OpenGL ES 3.0 have
>         moved away from the monolithic string returned by glGetString of
>         GL_EXTENSIONS.  Providing the newer indexed query would require
> adding
>         a lot of extra infrastructure, and it would probably provide little
>         benefit to applications.
>     10) What combination of values for GLX_RENDERER_PREFERRED_**
>     for a renderer that only supports OpenGL 3.1 without the
>     GL_ARB_compatibility extension?
>         RESOLVED.  The renderer will return GLX_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_*
> *ARB
>         Further, the renderer will return <3,0> for
> because OpenGL
>         3.1 without GL_ARB_compatibility is not backwards compatible with
>         previous versions of OpenGL.  The render will return <3,1> for
> support
>         for OpenGL 3.1 is available.
>         Even though there is no OpenGL 3.1 core profile, the values
>         returned for GLX_RENDERER_PREFERRED_**PROFILE_MESA and
>         with the GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB and
>         GLX_CONTEXT_{MAJOR,MINOR}_**VERSION_ARB attributes of
>         glXCreateContextAttribsARB without error.  If the requested
>         OpenGL version is less than 3.2, the
>         GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB attribute is ignored by
>         glXCreateContextAttribsARB.
>     11) How can application learn about multi-GPU (e.g., SLI, CrossFireX,
>     etc.) configurations?
>         UNRESOLVED.  Based on ISV feedback, this is important information
> to
>         provide to the application.  Given the variety of possible hardware
>         configurations (e.g., Hybrid CrossFireX) and different rendering
>         modes (e.g., split-frame rendering vs. alternate-frame rendering),
>         it's not clear how this information can be communicated.
>         It is likely that this will be left to a layered extension.
>     12) Should capability queries similar to those in
>     GL_ARB_internalformat_query or GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 be added?
>         RESOLVED.  No.  With the possible exception of the texture size
>         queries, it seems unlikely that applications would ever use this
>         information before creating a context.
>     13) Existing GL extensions (e.g., GL_ATI_meminfo and
>     GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info) allow easy queries after context creation.
>  With
>     this extension it is a bit of a pain for a portable application to
> query
>     the information after context creation.
>         RESOLVED.  Add versions of the queries that implicitly take the
>         display, screen, and renderer from the currently bound context.
>     14) Why not make the queries from issue #14 GL functions (instead of
> GLX)?

I'm assuming this is a typo and issue #14 isn't trying to refer to itself :)

>         RESOLVED.  It is fairly compelling for the post-creation queries to
>         just use glGetInteger and glGetString.  However, the GL enums and
>         the GLX enums would have different names and would almost certainly
>         have different values.  It seems like this would cause more
> problems
>         than it would solve.
>     15) Should the string queries be required to return the same values as
>     glGetString(GL_VENDOR) and glGetString(GL_RENDERER)?
>         UNRESOLVED.  This may be useful for applications that already do
>         device detection based on these strings.
>     16) What type should the value parameter of glXQueryRendererIntegerMESA
>         and glXQueryCurrentRendererInteger**MESA be?
>         UNRESOLVED.  Other similar GLX query functions just use int or
>         unsigned int, so that's what this extension uses for now.  However,
>         an expeclitly sized value, such as uint32_t or uint64_t, seems
>         preferable.
> Revision History
>     Version 1, 2012/08/27 - Initial version
>     Version 2, 2012/09/04 - Specify behavior of implementations that
>                             do not support certain profiles.
>                             Change wording of issue #8 to be more
>                             clear.
>                             Make some wording changes to issue #10 to
>                             clarify the resolution a bit.
>     Version 3, 2012/09/23 - Add issue #11 regarding multi-GPU systems.
>     Version 4, 2013/02/01 - Add issue #12 regarding texture / renderbuffer
>                             format queries.
>     Version 5, 2013/02/14 - Add issues #13 and #14 regarding simpler
> queires
>                             after the context is created and made current.
>                             Add issue #15 regarding the string query.
>                             Add issue #16 regarding the value type returned
>                             by the Integer functions.
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