Kendall Bennett wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I am trying to determine the latest status of the Mesa 3D project,
> since we are trying to wrap up some of our Mesa projects for release.
> Hence I am thinking that we should be sticking to the Mesa 3.2
> sources instead of the Mesa 3.1 (or is it now Mesa 3.3) development
> sources. Would that make sense?

3.2 will be wrapped up and released as soon as I find and fix a
few more specific bugs.  Hopefully within a week.

> So, how do I go about doing this? I figure I can download the latest
> sources, but it looks like there is only a Mesa 3.2b1 archive (is
> that beta 1 or is Mesa 3.2 now officially released?).

3.2b1 = 3.2 beta 1

> My current CVS
> stuff is a version of the Mesa 3.1 development tree, and I want to
> have the ability to work with both the 3.1 development tree and the
> 3.2 release tree.

There is no 3.1 tree/branch.  The sources were tagged when 3.1 was
released.  It's done.  3.2 is the stabilization of 3.1.  That means
no new features; only bug fixes.

> How can I sync up to the 3.2 release tree with CVS
> (I am not that familiar with CVS; I need to brush up on it again ;-).

When you do a check-out or update use the -r (revision) option
to specify the mesa_3_2_dev branch:

        cvs update -r mesa_3_2_dev

The default, main trunc has the Mesa 3.3 sources.  There's been a LOT
of changes from 3.1/3.2 to 3.3.  3.3 is used for the DRI project.
That's where new development happens.

> Also I notice that Mesa 3D is now on Source Forge. Is CVS now on
> SourceForge also,

Yes, as I said in email yesterday.

> and do the people who have write permissions
> previously still have write permissions to CVS?

No, as I wrote this morning you'll have to get a sourceforge login and
send it to me so I can add you to the project and enable CVS writes for

> Is the CVS server address still the same as before?

No.  Visit for the new CVS instructions.


Mesa-dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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