Konstantin Ryabitsev <konstan...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> Hello:
> For the bugzilla integration work I'm doing, I need a way to check if there
> were any updates to a thread since the last check. Right now, I'm just
> grabbing the full thread, parsing it and seeing if there are any new
> message-IDs that we don't know about, but it's very wasteful. Any way to just
> issue something like "how many messages are in a thread with this message-id"
> or "are there any updates to a thread with this message-id since

  lei q -t --only /path/to/(inbox|extindex) mid:$MSGID rt:APPROXIDATE..

Returns JSON and won't retrieve message bodies from git.

I wouldn't query down to the second due to propagation delays,
clock skew, etc, though.

There might be a JMAP endpoint I can implement for WWW which
only retrieves that info, but getting backreferences (required
by the JMAP spec) to work properly seemed painful.

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