>>Is it possible for 24 bit PNG file to have an transparent background on
> FWIW, my understanding is that the file format inherently supports
> transparency and translucency (varying degrees of transparency).  The
> problem is that currently there are few, if any, environments (browsers,
> apps, etc) that support the translucency feature.  I went through PNG
> support with Scott Raney some time ago and at that time he confirmed MC's
> lack of translucency support.

Ok.  So the file should have all of the information saved in itself?  I
should not have to use an ink effect?  I don't know anything about alpha
channels etc...  So, I am a bit slow at how this magic works.  Translucency
sounds great, but is not needed in this project.  Just 100% transparent
>>I need 24bit images (16 bit is ok if necessary) to have a transparent
>>background in Win stacks.
> It sounds like an ink effect is what you need.  Try the various ink
> effects in MC to get the result you want (you may need to make your image
> background either white or black depending on the effect you use).  Also,
> I believe it's possible to set the opColor(?) of an image -- the color
> that goes 100% transparent -- just like a transparent GIF.

I looked for a command called: opcolor and was unable to find it.  I did
find the opaque command and it did not do anything to the image I have when
set to (true or false). I spoke with Scott earlier about this.  He said the
image I sent him did not have a transparent color set.  So, this leads me to
believe that GraphicConverter 3.6.2 may not be doing its job.  I just
e-mailed the author of that program to see if he is aware of this.

I work on a Mac.  Does someone know of another tool that does make these
24bit PNGs with a transparent background?

-Mark Talluto

> Regards,
> __________________________________________________________________
> Scott Rossi                    Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
>                                Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                Web: www.tactilemedia.com

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