I'd like to be able to allow users to select video fragments in order to 
assemble their own "screen saver". Each time they log on, a new video
fragment would be downloaded and assembled on their machines. I'd like the
maximum freedom to play these personalised movies as fast/smoothly as

>From: Scott Raney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: QuickTime
>Date: Tue, Oct 19, 1999, 6:58 pm

> On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, David Bovill wrote:
>> Is there anything in the forthcoming release that would support:
>>     1) Authoring of Quicktime movies
>>     2) Live streaming movies?
> No and no.  #2 is likely for a future release, at least if you remove
> the "live" modifier, under which conditions from what I've heard
> streaming currently almost never works right.  We don't have any
> current plans for #1 because we haven't seen any good arguments for
> why this should be built into MetaCard (that's what QT authoring tools
> are for).
>   Regards,
>     Scott
> ********************************************************
> Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.metacard.com
> MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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