Once upon a time...

> From: Scott Raney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 21:00:20 -0600 (MDT)
> Subject: Re: QuickTime
>> My suggestion is that you implement something like "send someMsg to 00:00 of
>> movie movieName", and that this would then call the appropriate QScript. Not
>> being a low level programmer I've no idea how hard this is to implement. I
>> am thinking of something like the relationship between AppleScript and Java,
>> or Director and Javascript (with evalScript).
> Not being a QT programmer, I don't even know if it's *possible* to do
> this ;-)  But it's something we'll look into..

And now...

From: Brennan Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Magic Lantern
Reply-To: "LiveStage Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 01:48:05 +0100
To: LiveStage Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Communicating with Director and other containerss.

LiveStage Talk

Bryan Rieger wrote:

> The other question I have has to deal with messageing from LiveStage
> to Director. I've had success going from QuickTime to iShell, but
> does anybody know of anyway for a QuickTime to communicate with
> Director. Both the DebugStr and ApplicationNumberandString seem to do
> nothing in Director...

Director is apparently deaf to wired messages. This is entirely the
fault of Macromedia for not supporting Quicktime as extensively and
thoroughly as one might expect from a product which is touted as 'the
standard for creating and delivering powerful multimedia". (Yes I'm very
pissed off about this.)

I've been able to hack something so that wired movies and Lingo can
communicate, but it is too slow and complicated to be practical in any
but the most desperate cases. Have a look anyway:


I *strongly* advise you (and any other listers or lurkers who have
licenses for Director) to send a mail to


....asking for wired Quicktime shortcomings to be addressed in a later
version of the Quicktime Xtra. Indeed, if you are a licensee of any
Quicktime container app which does not support the funky wired messaging
technologies, or just falls over when trying to run non-video tracks,
please take the time to send off a mail to their wishlist address asking
for them to get their finger out.

Might I suggest that we adopt some kind of umbrella term for "container
support for debugStr and applicationNumberAndString"? How do people like
'Extra-movie messaging', or perhaps 'container-targeted messages'?

I'm compiling some kind of article with a table describing support for
wired movies in the various container apps. Getting a table up on the
web somewhere might just embarass the right people into wanting to keep
up with the joneses. The table will (at the very least) include boolean
fields for 

'Plays Wired Movies without falling over'
'Supports container-targeted messages'
'Supports inter-movie messaging'

Tested so far (with links for lesser known apps)
Quicktime Player
Movie Player (it's useful to compare Apple's older player with the newer
MSIE + Quicktime PlugIn
NSN + Quicktime PlugIn
iCab (http://www.iCab.de)
MediaSmith (http://www.mediasmithsw.com/)
Katabounga (http://www.Katabounga.com/)

Still to be tested: Adobe Acrobat, Appleworks, MSWord, Metacard,
Supercard, Authorware, PowerPoint, shareware movieplayers like 'Peter's
Player', 'play-it-cool' etc....

Any more for any more? Please inform on any experience with container
apps. I don't have access to all the apps in my 'still to be tested'
list, so I'd appreciate anyone trying them out, and if you know of any
other Quicktime containers, please let me know.

I'd like to suggest that container apps which support the full range of
wired features are awarded some kind of nice badge or rosette, and those
which are totally UNhip are marked with some kind of appropriate
vegetable like a cabbage.

(Clicking the cabbage icon should open an email window addressed to the
wishlist of the appropriate company).

Opinions on this idea?


Brennan Young

Artist, Composer and Multimedia programmer


"Well I started on the piano, then I moved onto the coffee table."
-Stephen Fry

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